For each typescript
For each typescript

for each typescript

TypeScript variable types can be implicitly defined. This can be useful for variables that hold Range values, which can be of type string, number, or boolean (the type for Range values is a union of those: string | number | boolean). If you are uncertain about the type of a variable, you can use a union type. To get around this issue, always define the type of the variable. In the previous screenshot, Explicit Any is not allowed indicates that line #2, column #14 defines any type.

for each typescript

You will receive a compile-time error (an error prior to running the script) if any variable is explicitly defined as the any type in the script. For example, a Range needs to know that a value is a string, number, or boolean. The any type causes issues when processed by Excel. You cannot explicitly declare a variable to be of type any in Office Scripts (that is, let value: any ). Both explicit and implicit any are not allowed in Office Scripts. However, Office Scripts requires that a variable can't be of type any. Writing types is optional in TypeScript, because the types can be inferred. However, there are a few restrictions enforced by the Code Editor to ensure your script works consistently and as intended with your Excel workbook. For the most part, any TypeScript or JavaScript code will work in Office Scripts. Office Scripts use the TypeScript language.

For each typescript